Proper Test Planning in Software Development Process

Test planning is an important phase not only for  mobile testing, desktop testing, web site testing, but for the whole software development process. It should begin at the early stages of the development.

For a software testing company it is necessary to comprehend the corporate culture of the client company and how it performs software development. It will allow to adjust to the client company and to propose advances and upgrading to the developing process.

Proper test planning demands experience, thorough comprehending of testing discipline, processes and methods. Of course, testers must understand all the aspects of the project in order to choose the most suitable test strategies.

software testing company

To elaborate an appropriate test strategy testers must consider time, costs, risks and resources.

They need time to get needed approvals, select appropriate number of staff with necessary skills and knowledge, dispense roles and responsibilities, evaluate necessary resources, obtain software, hardware and other tools for testing.

It is quite a difficult task to evaluate and plan testing process. The most popular techniques are comparison to the previous similar project and ratio technique.

It is better to do in advance all purchasing, preparation of the testing environment, setting up of necessary software and databases to perform web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing according to the schedule and of high quality.