Why does Mobile Testing Require More Space Than Desktop One?

Various types of software products have their specificities. Mobile applications are different from desktop ones because of special features of modern tablets and smartphones.

A mobile device is a combination of computer and phone technologies, and some peculiar functions, like using various sensors. But the basic functions of a mobile device are making and receiving calls, exchanging voice and text messages.

Mobile programs are customized for these characteristics of mobile devices. One should make sure in course of web site testing on mobile devices or mobile application testing that the software utilizes features and functions of the platforms for which it is created as intended.


Proper functional testing of a mobile application requires some space for movements, unlike desktop testing and web site testing on personal computers.

The Space is Needed for Checking How the Software Operates When:

  • various movement sensors are activated during turning, shaking, rotating the device;
  • the user is walking;
  • the device loses networking signals and connects to the Internet again.

A software testing company recommends utilizing a simple note taking instrument during any software testing process. This way the tester can write all the important observations and comments and then add them to the error reports. Such information may help the development team to improve the application.