Why Are Software Developers and Testers in the Same Boat?

Any tester knows that his or her task is to find as many defects, as possible in the software product during  mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing.

A good tester can find software bugs in any program, as he or she believes that there is no application without defects. Critical thinking is essential for thorough mobile testing, desktop testing, ecommerce testing or any other testing activity.

Work of a tester is often assessed by the number of found errors for a period. Project managers make decision about the product release basing on the percentage of passed and failed test-cases.

software testing company

But a good  software testing company asks its testers not to forget the ultimate goal of their efforts. The goal is delivering of high-quality software product that will be popular among the users. This should remind testers that they are in the same boat with the developers, and it isn’t wise to upset them for nothing.

A Professional Tester Besides Looking for Software Bugs Should:

  • remember that everything cannot be wrong in any software product, there are always good things; one should notice them as well;
  • believe in success of the application they are working on, and do everything they can to improve it;
  • remember that fierce criticism may upset the programmers.