5 Recommendations for Professional Testers

Every  software testing company is in a constant search of good testers. What differs a good tester from just a tester, and which knowledge and skills should one have for it?

So testers should not only deal with web site testing, desktop testing and mobile testing, but also with telling to the developers about errors their product has (that’s not so easy!). That should be done in a special kind of manner, not to hurt them. So a tester should be skilled in conveying information.


To Be Among the Best in Software Testing One Should:

  1. Be honest with the software engineers. If you decided to test the software product, tell other project parties about your intention.
  2. Help the developers. If someone from the development team asks you to briefly evaluate the system and tell you remarks and opinion, do it informally, without entering the detected errors into a bug tracking system.
  3. Allow the programmers to see the tests, they may give a good advice or comment on them.
  4. For reporting errors utilize bug tracking instruments. It’s no good to criticize the programmers and their errors in public.
  5. As tester’s job is to find defects into other people’s work, they are often disliked by other project parties. Experts in mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing usually do not take it personally. There are positive and negative aspects in each occupation.