Why is it Important to Remember About Communication Services Performing Mobile Testing?

At present mobile phones, smartphones and tablets are complex multifunctional machines. They are utilized for various purposes, for different tasks and for entertainment. But we must not forget that main functions of mobile devices are communication services.

Mobile Devices Enable Their Users to Communicate in Various Ways, by Means Of:

  • voice calls;
  • SMS;
  • instant messaging;
  • video chat;
  • e-mail.


So, performing any mobile application testing it is necessary to check how the tested software manages interruptions by notifications informing about incoming calls, new messages, SMS or e-mail.

A software testing company usually wants its testers to see how the tested application reacts on various kinds of interruptions and whether it is possible to continue working with the software from the same place at which the work was interrupted by a call, message or notification.

An experienced software testing company notices that in such situations a mobile software product may hang, crash, lose latest changes performed by the user. In course of web site testing for mobile devices it was noticed that after interruption the user may be logged out of the system.

Communication services are built in some mobile software products. In this case their work and interrelation with other software functions should be checked in course of mobile testing.