Ways to Automate Performance Testing

One of the issues that a good software testing company faces rather often is automating various types of software testing.

There is usually no problem in automating testing that is performed on the server side. However, the automation should be properly performed.

7 Tips for Successful Test Automation:

  1. Start the automation from quantitative analysis of most common user actions and the ones that require most resources. To count the most expensive and typical interactions, resource-utilization factor should be compared to the frequency-of-request factor.
  2. Estimate the number of simultaneous users you may have.
  3. Create user scenarios.
  4. In order to locate the problematic functions, automate the user scenarios through using scripts.
  5. When the problem area is detected, the initial automated testing script may turn out to be not suitable for the further process of testing.
  6. Randomization is important factor for showing interaction of user with the software. Performance testing, if automated, can show false data if it is not randomized.
  7. In order to see how the software will work in real life, create several different user scenarios and include variables to pull random numbers for everything. When your efforts result in thousands of virtual users randomly running a script, you obtain the actual data that reflects how the software will behave when used in the real world.

In any case, every time you decide to automate your software testing, you should make sure that it suits the testing needs both now and in the future.