Life Duration of Software Bug

The durability of the defect can be described in such way. Defect occurs in due to the fact that a person makes a mistake (error), carrying some kind of activity that is related to software development.


Mentioned activities include, for example, the formulation of requirements designing programs or writing software code. This error creeps into a working product (list of requirements, design document or program code) as a failure (fault).

Until this problem (also known as a bug, defect) is present in a working product, it can cause the appearance of other defects.

For example, if a fault committed in the list of requirements remains undetected, it is likely that this will result in corresponding errors in the system design, project programs, software code, and even user documentation.

Software bug remains undetected until it refused. Because user or software tester notes that the system does not perform its functions.

At the stage of system testing tester’s purpose is to cause a crash of the program to detect and document related defects, and then delete them from the system.

Ideally, the durability of the defect is limited to the time when he is found by means of static or dynamic testing, and successfully eliminated.

QATestLab is a team of professionals working in various fields to ensure the quality of IT projects: test managers, manual, automated testing test engineers, consultants and trainers.