How to Write Test Cases Fast and Effectively?

The software development process is usually time and labor-consuming. But it is always necessary to release the product as soon as possible. Often less than required time is allocated on mobile application testing, desktop testing, and website testing.

That is why test engineers always search for ways of optimization creation of test cases and executing manual and automated testing.


The Process of Writing Test Cases Can be Optimized By:

  • Utilizing best practices and methods of creating test cases.
  • -Careful study of the software requirements and other project documents before writing test cases.
  • Beginning from writing test cases for functional testing, only when functional tests are ready, one should elaborate test cases for user interface testing, compatibility testing, security testing, performance testing, and so on.
  • Utilization of test management tool or an Excel file. Excel is a useful instrument for storing, maintaining, and editing test cases. Besides, one can import the test cases from Excel to a test management tool at any time.
  • Consulting the flow diagram while writing a test case; allows to provide maximum test coverage and not to miss any important issues.
  • Assorting the test cases according to the software pages and usage scenarios. Both ways of ordering help to maintain the test cases.