4 Nonfunctional Challenges of a Web-Application

Developing a software product it is very important to pay enough attention to its nonfunctional issues. They also must be considered during mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing.

Nonfunctional software aspects bear certain risks for each type of applications. That is why one must not put them off till the end of the development process.

Risks Coming From Nonfunctional Issues of a Web-application Are:

1. Deficient Security of a Web-Site

Security should be of high priority for a web-application. Lost or damaged data may result not only in having bad reputation but in lawsuits as well. That is why one should be very careful with security issues and not to cut costs on security testing.

2. Incompatibility with Environment Components

A software testing company  recommends to insure that software products are compatible with the most popular operation systems, browsers and other environment elements.

This requirement is of prime importance for web-applications. Web-applications are meant to work with many users and users utilize various software. So, compatibility is an essential characteristic for a web-site.

3. Low Application Performance

At first thought low performance of an application may seem an insignificant disadvantage. But this disadvantage may not satisfy the customers and they will find more suitable applications.

It is very important to evaluate potential number of users and needed capacity of data processing in order to implement the required criteria in the project and perform load testing.

4. Bad Usability of an Application

Poorly performed user interface and other usability issues do not attract users to a software product. Such applications are hard to sell and they do not yield a return. That is why it is wise to perform usability testing of software starting from early stages of the development.