2 Types of Modern Useful Automated Testing Programs

Nowadays automated testing is applied during almost every testing process. It allows to increase efficiency of any mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing.

Due to high use of automated testing there are a lot of various automated test harnesses. Code test coverage analyzers and memory-leak detection programs are among them.

Code Test Coverage Analyzers

Testing programs of this type detect rates of test coverage. Using such tool one can determine the test coverage of an application module, branch or area. The needed rate of test coverage is related to complexity and type of software.

Determining application coverage allows a software testing company  and a development team to investigate thoroughly the efficiency of test-cases and test procedures.

software testing company

Code Test Coverage Analyzers Can Execute The Next Operations:

  • estimate which and how many test-cases are needed for the particular testing process;
  • create the required test-cases;
  • determine which test-cases have not been performed.

Memory-Leak Detection Programs

Test tools of this type are applied to determine if software utilizes its memory resources correctly. The program checks if the tested application can free the allocated memory after finishing using it. Memory is engage in almost all the application operations. That is why the ability to use memory appropriately should be checked often.

So, code test coverage analyzers and memory-leak detection programs are very helpful during any mobile application testing, desktop testing orweb site testing.