QATestLab has Finished Testing the “Less Work More Life” Application for iOS

The goal of the “Less Work More Life” application is effective worktime management, with the help of which even the busiest person can spare some time for rest and socialization.

The application allows a person to keep track of time he/she spends at work. “Less Work More Life” runs in an automatic mode and uses geolocation. 

Using this application, a person may form a useful habit of analyzing his/her time daily. Before long, it will result in greatly increased productivity.

QATestLab company has performed acceptance testing to verify whether the developed system meets the requirements specified by customer. This type of testing is usually carried out when the product is developed by another party and the customer wants an independent opinion on the system realization quality.

QATestLab specialists have performed the application’s functional testing on a wide range of iOS devices (iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3, iPhone 3GS, iPad1, iPad2, iPad3).

The testing showed the nonoperability of critically important parts of application’s functional and the necessity of its further development.

The customer has received the user acceptance testing report with a detailed description of found defects and guidelines for application’s usability improvement.