7 Networking Conditions in Which a Mobile Web Program Should be Tested

Each web application should be able to handle various unfavorable networking conditions that may happen during interaction with it.

This task is more complex for mobile web applications as they use wireless connection and can work in different locations, on the move. Some designers of mobile web software neglect this peculiarity of mobile programs and do not give consideration to wireless networking issues.

So, it is not surprising that thorough web site testing on tablets and smartphones and mobile testing of web programs reveal many networking related errors.

Some of The Most Serious Defects Are:

  • the web program goes into an endless loop of error mode;
  • the server goes into an endless loop of error mode.


Such and other serious defects prevent users from working with the software and mustn’t appear after release. That is why every software testing company reminds its testers that networking aspects of a mobile web program must be thoroughly checked in course of manual testing.

One Should Check How the Tested Mobile Web Software Behaves When:

  1. WiFi signals are weak.
  2. Cellular network signals are weak.
  3. The user walks into an area of transition from WiFi to a cellular network.
  4. The user walks into an area of transition from a cellular network to WiFi.
  5. The user moves from one WiFi hotspot to another.
  6. The user walks into a dead area.
  7. The user walks out of a dead area.

If mobile application testing includes checking of these situations, most of serious networking errors of the tested software will be found.